About us

The Friends of Maastricht Gable Stones (VMG) foundation has two main objectives.

  • Broadening and deepening the knowledge of Maastricht citizens and visitors to the city about the beautiful gable stones, a visible part of Maastricht's history.
  • Promoting the preservation of the gable stones as part of the cultural heritage through restoration and maintenance, the relocation of stones that are in storage and the manufacturing of replicas.

Foundation Board

  • Ad Veenhof - Chairman
  • Ellen van de Ven - secretary
  • Peter Gomolka - Treasurer
  • Peter D'Elfant - member
  • Servé Minis
  • Toon Jenniskens
  • Stefan Vrancken
  • Nicole Demas

Current activities

  • Designing an interactive website with gable stone routes and placing QR code pictures on the relevant buildings.
  • Developing specific programmes for people of all ages about gable stones and the history of their city.
  • The restoration and refurbishment of gable stones along the gable stone routes.

Our foundation Friends of Maastricht Gable Stones has been classified by the tax authorities as a cultural ANBI institution.


The development of the current activities such as the interactive website and the specific youth and elderly programmes is costly and has only been made possible with the support of the following sponsors


Become a donor?

In order to make the funding of running costs possible now and in the future, please support us and register as a donor to our foundation.

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